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Topflight Machine Tool LLC


  • After experiencing great success with our initial purchase of the Matsuura MX-520, we recognized the need to expand our capabilities and enhance our shop's flexibility. To fulfill this goal, we decided to invest in another machine that would provide additional capacity and further benefit both our shop and our customers.


  • Our Rep, Peter, expertly recommended an additional Matsuura MX-520 machine, specifically the PC4 version, which proved to be instrumental in expanding our lights-out machining strategy. This upgraded version provided us with the necessary tools to further streamline our operations and pave the way towards even greater efficiency and productivity. We are thrilled with the outcome and grateful for Yamazen's continuous support and cutting-edge solutions.


  • We previously used to perform the process on the lathe followed by the mill. However, now we are able to machine the entire component on the advanced 5-axis Matsuura MAM machine. As part of this transition, we also tested a new Schunk vise, which offers a lower profile, top mount, and impressive capabilities. We are now planning to increase the number of positions on the machine's pallet, thereby extending our production time and moving closer to achieving lights out operation. Additionally, we have implemented Mate zero-point adapters to facilitate quick fixture changeouts in the future. I had emphasized to my team that all our plans were mere theory until we put them into action, and now we are successfully executing them! This shift to machining 3-axis parts on a 5-axis machine has enabled us to adopt leaner production methods suitable for our high mix, low volume production requirements.

Why Yamazen

  • The Matsuura 5-axis MX-520 PC4 pallet machine, accompanied by the 5th Axis workholding and YG1 tooling, has enabled us to achieve remarkable results. It's incredible what you can achieve when everything comes together seamlessly, and the process is effortlessly streamlined. We've been able to complete the manufacturing process in a single operation, without the need for a dovetail. The two micro-tabs held in place by serrated jaws provided ample support, leading to an incredibly efficient process. Not to mention, we've been able to achieve an incredible 10+ hours of unattended lights-out machining while running these handles - proving that the team at Matsuura truly provides innovative solutions to optimize manufacturing processes.